Yoga Aktuell Special No. 5 - Meditation & Mindfulness

SKU: 115595

The Yoga Aktuell special about meditation and mindfulness.

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Yoga Aktuell Spezial Nr. 5 - Meditation & Achtsamkeit - YOGISHOP
Yoga Verlag

Yoga Aktuell Special No. 5 - Meditation & Mindfulness


YOGA AKTUELL SPECIAL N° 5: Meditation & Mindfulness

Includes free DVD with practical instructions!

Experience meditation
Meditation – why it is so important and how you can learn it: Introduction to a particularly worthwhile yoga practice. By Anna Trökes.

How to find a good meditation seat

Various sitting positions, briefly presented. By Anna Trökes.

The path to Samadhi

Meditation as access to higher states of consciousness: different stages of samadhi and the awakening of the kundalini shakti. By Pandit Vamadeva Shastri.

Yoga for meditators

A suitable asana practice is the ideal preparation for meditation. We will show you a series of exercises that calm the mind and prepare you for long periods of sitting upright. By Stephanie Schönberger.

I am not this because I am all this
About the meditation “Inner Silence” and what is so liberating about sitting down
and close your eyes. By Hamsananda.

Meditation for beginners
If you can breathe, you can meditate: How to approach meditation and make friends with it - perhaps a wonderful friendship for life. By Julia Johannsen.

The meditation cushion: my friend, my enemy, my island

Silence, strict rules, hours of sitting... and yet a great adventure: a meditation retreat is an intensive (self-)experience. By Doris Iding.

Looking inward: Pratyahara
Pratyahara, introspection, is an important step on the path to a calm mind. By Eberhard Bärr.

Teaching Meditation

Considerations and tips for anyone who wants to teach meditation. By Sukadev Bretz.

From action to meditation

What conditions can one create to enter the state of meditation? Basic information and concrete tips. By Swami Durgananda.

Sun meditation

The secret of light – How the sun helps us grow internally. By Marianne Scherer.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a special body meditation with an ancient tradition and leads us back to our center. By Anna E. Röcker.

A meditation for the evening
In the evening review of the day we can look back on subtle sensations and Life lessons that are all too easy to miss in everyday life go under. By Bernhard Spirkl.

Embracing the imperfection of life
Ursula Lyon is one of the oldest yoga and meditation teachers in the German-speaking area. With YOGA AKTUELL she has written about meditation and the power of compassion. Interview: Melanie Müller.

Develop self-compassion

We should extend our love and compassion to all beings Unfortunately, we often forget an important Person: ourselves. By Melanie Müller.

The Way of Zen – An Art of Living

Just breathe, don’t have to achieve anything – a challenge for the People of our time. Why it is worth the effort and what treasure lies in awaits us inside, explains Zen teacher Anna Gamma.

From darkness to inner light

Darkness has a transformative power because it leads us back to a primal state. In darkness retreats, Meditators benefit from this experience. By Marion Hötzel.

Christian mysticism
The Christian tradition also knows meditation. In prayer and in Contemplation can lead us to a healing silence and deep Finding connection with the divine. By Julia Johannsen.

Meditation with the Sacrament of the Forest: Ayahuasca

The Amazon liana and its ritual use as a key to the wisdom of the soul. By Flor da Floresta.

Plant Devas – The Souls of Plants

In recent years, plant souls have increasingly attracted people's attention. As macroscopic beings They convey to those who are open to it the multifaceted knowledge of the Cosmos. By Doris Iding.

Special forms of meditation

To meditate, we do not necessarily have to sit quietly or be still There are many different possibilities – we present some of them here By Julia Johannsen.

The roots of mindfulness
Mindfulness practice is used in many different ways today. Application. This article provides insights into their original Context. By Doris Iding.

Be mindful – be good to yourself!
Mindfulness is currently on everyone’s lips. YOGA AKTUELL met the publisher Lienhard Valentin to talk to him about the practice of mindfulness. speak. Interview: Doris Iding.

Mindful through everyday life: living simpler and happier

Selected exercises for more mindfulness. By Doris Iding.

Meditation in hospice work
Let your thoughts calm down, let your body go – End-of-life care for a gentle and conscious transition. By Julia Johannsen.

Love carries everything
Bearing the suffering of seriously ill family members: How mindfulness, but above all love and compassion help us. By Doris Iding.

Meditation and Science
Meditation and mindfulness-based approaches are found in the Neuroscience is increasingly paying attention to the effects of Meditation practices prove it? By Doris Iding.

Meditation and mindfulness research in Germany

At the Berlin Charité, the positive effects of Mindfulness practice was researched. The results show how to regular meditation after just a short time. By Julia Johannsen.


More information
  • Manufacturer Yoga Publishing
  • Weight 0.36 kg

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Katja K.

Sehr informative und inspirierende Zeitschrift. Danke

Angelika P.

Sehr interessantes Heft, da ich mit der Meditation anfangen möchte, für mich
auch sehr hilfreich. Ich muss allerdings wegen der geringen Vorkenntnisse
die ich habe, vieles recherchieren und zweimal lesen. Deshalb mehr für Yoga Lehrer geeignet.

Heike R.

super Zeitschrift zum Thema Meditation! Danke....nur die DVD kann nicht abgespielt werden.

Andrea S.

Das Heft ist total klasse!!!
Allerdings schade, dass das CD Format scheinbar nicht überall abzuspielen ist.

Silke P.

Das Heft hat mich neu inspiriert, wunderbar...