For each yoga mat sold we plant a tree

Für jede verkaufte Yogamatte pflanzen wir einen Baum.
Für jede verkaufte Yogamatte pflanzen wir einen Baum.

One mat = one tree! Together with you we plant trees

In cooperation with Trees for the Future, we plant a tree in Africa for every YOGISTAR yoga mat sold.

Through these plantings, which are carried out as a forest gardening programme (a kind of permaculture), we help to strengthen nature by replanting stunted areas and have a positive impact on social conditions in poor regions in Africa.

Environmental protection

Trees are important to both humans and the environment in many ways: they provide a habitat for biodiversity; they produce much of the planet's oxygen; and they help combat climate change.

Farmers have the power, our cooperation partners have the know-how and we are the key!

The trees we sponsor are planted by farming families in different regions of Africa under the expert guidance of Trees for the Future experts in the spirit of sustainable forest gardening, a cultivation based on forest ecosystems.

Farmers involved in the Forest Garden programme learn to grow a variety of fast-growing trees, fruit trees, hardwoods and vegetables. The fast-growing trees are used to secure and stabilise degraded land. Farmers are helped to diversify their field with fruit trees and hardwoods. Between the trees, they harvest vegetables and crops.

Social support

The economic benefits of the Forest Gardening approach go beyond the wealth creation of a family. The impact has a far-reaching effect on a person's life (e.g. reduced cost of food, manure, firewood, animal feed, fertiliser and sawn timber). In addition, farmers are incentivised to stay on their farm and migration to urban slums or abroad to earn more money is less likely. In addition, a family's health costs decrease as they are better able to feed themselves and meet their family's nutritional needs. Better financial capability and resilience also increase a family's ability to invest in their children's education.

Trees for the future
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