Yoga Aktuell Special No. 6 - Yoga & Anatomy

SKU: 117426

The big anatomy special issue!

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Yoga Aktuell Spezial Nr. 6 - Yoga & Anatomie - YOGISHOP
Yoga Verlag

Yoga Aktuell Special No. 6 - Yoga & Anatomy


Includes a free DVD with practical instructions from Dr. Ronald Steiner!

Anatomy as an important pillar on the path to knowledge

Why a good understanding of anatomy is highly relevant for yoga practice. By Lilla N. Wuttich.

Oh wonder, what a body
Recognize the body as the fascinating miracle that it is. By Doris Iding.

A solid foundation

Standing grounded on the yoga mat and in life: an exciting look at the feet. By Melanie Müller with practical tips from foot expert, movement educator and yoga teacher Ulli Wurpes.

Legs, knees and hips

Spiraldynamik® meets yoga: legs, knees and hips from the perspective of medical yoga. By Eva Hager-Forstenlechner.

A stable connection

The sacroiliac joint in focus: What the link between the upper and lower body does. By Bitta Boerger.

Standing upright in life

Doctor and yoga therapist Dr. Günter Niessen in an interview about the spine and the various viewpoints on its healthy alignment. Interview: Melanie Müller.

The diaphragm, our most important respiratory
Yoga teacher and trauma yoga therapist Joachim Pfahl explains the often underestimated role of the diaphragm in an interview with YOGA AKTUELL. Interview: Doris Iding.

Asana workshop: Bandhas versus core

Theory and lots of practice around a strong core with Liz Huntly and Roland Jensch.

Shoulder-neck anatomy

Shoulder and neck tension is widespread. This article provides the anatomical understanding that is so important for a healthy treatment of this region of the body. By Lucia Nirmala Schmidt.

Asana workshop: forward bends, back bends and twists

How these postures are good for the spine in many ways – provided they are performed anatomically correctly. Tips and practical examples from Eva Hager-Forstenlechner.

Fascia & Yoga

Why fascia tissue has such a far-reaching influence on the entire body and what the new scientific findings have to do with our yoga practice. By Christiane Wolff.

Anatomy of the woman, anatomy of the man

Anatomical differences between the sexes and their relevance for yoga practice. By Julia Johannsen.

Find your own form

Accepting your body without any ifs or buts: A personal report from Yin Yoga teacher Helga Baumgartner.

Ouch! Overambitious yoga practice?

Not all physical limits can be shifted through intensive practice. Where development potential lies and which individual anatomical conditions should definitely be accepted. By Chris Ahrweiler.

Reduce the risk of injury
Those who approach the asana practice with a mindful attitude rather than a performance-oriented mindset can significantly reduce the risk of injury and at the same time open their eyes to the inner treasures of yoga. By Doris Iding.

Meaning and use of anatomy in yoga classes
... and how to convey anatomical knowledge in a didactically meaningful way. By Anna Trökes.

The only anatomy book for you is yourself
Anatomy expert Leslie Kaminoff in an interview about anatomy books and about the individual anatomy of the body, which the student himself can explore. Interview: Julia Johannsen.

Are we really all the same?

Alignment 2.0: Why the classic standardized alignment is urgently should be replaced by an individual alignment that Special features of the individual does justice. By Markus Henning Giess.

The anatomy of the energy body
Koshas, ​​Chakras, Nadis and Vayus – What is it about these energetic realities? Insights into the subtle anatomy of man. By Dr. Ralph Skuban.

Asana workshop: Therapeutic sequence for a healthy back
Richard and Meret Hackenberg present a sequence that combines leg and Hip muscles, pelvic floor and abdominal muscles are activated and thereby the can support your back.

Stretching and strengthening in yoga practice

A harmonious interplay of stability and mobility: Why Well stretched and strengthened muscles have a positive effect on our body system and what we need for a balanced Yoga practice can be observed. By Christina Loy-Birzer.

Ayurveda and yoga therapy for the musculoskeletal system
What causes problems in the musculoskeletal system an Ayurvedic oriented view reveals, and which treatment approaches result from this. By Kerstin Rosenberg and Akasha S. Hermanns.

Experienceable anatomy
Five movement concepts that are suitable for improving the anatomy of the body to explore and discover that there is an anatomy that is far goes beyond the physical. By Julia Johannsen.


More information
  • Manufacturer Yoga Publishing
  • Weight 0.36 kg

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Ilona W.

Bin sehr großer Fan der Yoga aktuell, und dieses Sonderheft ist ein absolutes Highlight! Für jeden Yogi ein sehr empfehlenswertes Heft und für Neueinsteiger wie mich sehr lehrreich.

Jules K.

Ich bin relativ neu unterwegs mit den Yoga Heften .
Fühle mich aber sehr aufgehoben,
Ich habe das Gefühl die yoga Ära darf die Philosophie meines Berufes- Physiotherapie- weiterleben, da diese in meinem Berufsfeld leider immer mehr verwirtschaftlicht wird.
Ich möchte daher gern noch mehr erfahren ,wie sich yoga auf den ganzen Körper auswirkt
Ich bin auf dem richtigen Weg. Danke

Sandra K.

Super interessant - ich bereite mich gerade auf meine 500h Prüfung vor und konnte mein Wissen dadurch ergänzen bzw. intensivieren. Es ist so wichtig die Zusammenhänge des Körpers zu verstehen, um Verletzungen vorzubeugen. Gerade wenn man als Yogalehrer anleitet und korrigiert. Einfach gelungen.

Claudia S.

Eine sehr gelungene Extra-Ausgabe, auch für Nicht-Yogis interessant!!

Unser Körper - ein Wunderwerk. Sich eine bildhafte Vorstellung vom eigenen Inneren und dem Zusammenspiel, dem Funktionskreisläuen zu machen, kann enorm hilfreich sein beim Üben.
Das breite, inhaltliche Feld bietet viel Wissen und Erfahrungsschätze von so manchem Autor. Man merkt deutlich das hier Theorie mit festem praktischen Hintergrund vermittelt wird.
Gerne weiter Hefte dieser Art.
DANKE und herzliche Grüße Claudia

Gunda H.

Wir finden diese Ausgabe so gelungen und aktuell, dass wir sie Schülern unser Yoga Lehrer Ausbildung zur Verfügung stellen! Namaste :-)