YOGISTAR Charity: PROJEKT moment.mal eV

YOGISTAR works together with moment.mal eV to support children in difficult living conditions
The Berlin-based moment.mal association has the vision of making yoga accessible to all children, regardless of social background and financial means. For this reason, the association works with social and government institutions to implement social yoga projects for children locally.We think that's good! With our donation we are supporting moment.mal eV in a project that addresses the situation during the pandemic.
YOGISTAR packs “encouragement suitcase” for socially disadvantaged children
In this challenging time, which is an enormous psychological burden especially for socially and financially disadvantaged children and families, the association is focusing on a project outside of normal classes to support the children on this path: Together with moment.mal eV, we pack “encouragement suitcases” that are made available to selected social institutions in Berlin. In addition to relaxation materials such as yoga mats, seat cushions and gratitude diaries, these also contain specially produced children's yoga videos in various languages that are intended to strengthen the children's self-confidence and resilience.
The club also makes all videos available free of charge on its website and YouTube channel to reach as many children and families as possible outside of the to reach the institutions involved.
You can find more information about the non-profit organization and access to the children's yoga videos here: www.moment-mal.org